Do you know 90 – 95 % of the Chloé Paddington handbags selling over internet are fakes? And people are buying them up like crazy!
Just because a seller offers “100% guarantee” does not mean they are genuine Chloé Paddington.
Just because a seller provides a receipt does not mean the bag is a genuine Chloé Paddington. Some sellers buy both – one real and one fake – and then sell the fake with the real bags receipt to pay for their real one.
Here are some pointers to look for when buying a Chloe Paddington bag :
- If sellers say it is a “Factory Second”, it is a fake. There is no such thing as a Factory Second. A “Power Seller” does not guarantee the genuineness. “Power Seller” simply means they sell a lot on market and selling a lot has nothing to do with authenticity.
- Colour of the metal, rivets, key and lock should be of the same colour. On most of the authentic bags, it is a dark antique brushed brass color. The fake ones have a brighter brushed brass colour or a darker lock and shiny brass rivets.
- The stitching on an authentic bag is a thicker nylon stitch.
- The handles have an extra peice of leather around the top of the strap, the seam should be pointed outward on an authentic.
- Ivory bags have the edges done in brown, not ivory.
- If the Chloe tag does not have the color on it or the correct name for that color it, it is a fake.
- If the 2 stickers are on the inside of the Chloe Tag – it is a fake. Chloe puts one on the inside and the one with the color on the back of the circular Chloe tag.
- Where the handles attach, they should be rounded, not squared off.
- Authentic Chloé Paddington have silver zippers. Depending on the year, some have metal teeth, some have plastic. Some zippers are marked YKK, some are not. A cause for concern would be a brass colored zipper or one marked with a company other than YKK.
- The rivets by the handles, the seams should go through the center of these, not off to the side. The same with the little round peices of leather the rivets are attached to, they must be pretty much centered too.
- The lock and stamp of Chloe on the top of the lock is small on an authentic, about 1/8″. Lay the lock on the table, with Chloe stamp up. How does the key hole look? Is it right side up or upsidedown? If it is upside down, it is a fake. See the below picture that shows the Chloe on the lock is right side up and the keyhole is upside down – this is a fake one.
If you are still in doubt compare the bag to one online at or net-a-porter. Still unsure, make sure the seller will pay the shipping cost if it is identified as a fake. Otherwise, take to a store where real ones are sold and look at every little detail.
Chloé Paddington costs a lot of money but a lot of people are loosing money buying fakes, protect yourself.
The pictures below are of a 100% authentic Chloé Paddington bag. Note the metal color, size of the Chloe on the front of the lock, how the key hole is right side up when the lock is and the stitching.
This bag is a Chloé Paddington Front Pocket satchel, a different style from the regular Chloé Paddington bag. On the handle where it attaches to the bag this one has rivets, a regular Paddington does not have these rivets.
Official website :
Is there any kind of Chloe Paddington that has the padlock at the end of the zipper versus the center front?